Frequently Asked Questions about our 2024 Training

What do you consider “Northwest Wisconsin”?
We have elected a regional focus for our 2024 Summer training session to provide networking opportunities across the region, but we would prefer residents to define their regional boundaries themselves. That said, we are comfortable saying Northwest Wisconsin includes (but is not limited to!) the following counties:
- Douglas
- Bayfield
- Ashland
- Iron
- Burnett
- Washburn
- Sawyer
- Price
- Polk
- Barron
- Rusk
I live outside of Northwestern Wisconsin. Will you disqualify me automatically if I apply for the 2024 Summer training session?
While we will be prioritizing applicants who are in Northwest Wisconsin, no, we will not disqualify you because of your location. We want all strong applicants to apply, knowing, of course, that this will be a competitive process. We might not be able to accept you for the Summer 2024 training session if we have enough other strong candidates from the northwest, but since this is the first session of this kind, we simply don’t know how big the applicant pool will be.
Our next training session will not be regionally focused; it will be open to applicants statewide. Applying now from a location outside Northwest Wisconsin may also help shape the focus of the next session to meet the needs of strong candidates who we can’t fit in this time.
Why are you focusing on Northwest Wisconsin for the Summer 2024 training session?
Our Northwest Wisconsin focus comes from our interest in building regional networks. Community Powered ran a successful pilot program in Spooner last year (Washburn County). We’ll be taking participants to Spooner during the 2024 Summer training to learn from our experience there, which will be easier and more meaningful for folks who live in the same region.
Is this program remote?
The majority of the training sessions will take place over Zoom, but we will spend one weekend in Spooner, WI as part of the required training sessions. Regardless of where you’re located, we need all participants to be able to join us for a weekend in Spooner, so that’s something for you to consider before applying. (We will have some support for travel and lodging.)
Scheduling for Zoom workshops will be decided as a group once we’ve selected the final participant
You are offering an info session on February 6th. I can’t attend. Will the info session be recorded?
Yes, the info session will be recorded and a link to the recording will be sent out to all registered participants the day after the session. Please register for the meeting to receive the link to the video. You can register here: https://wisconsin-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwode6uqT8iHdX09dq_67osncFFlPeKXXam.
This list will be updated with more questions as they arise! If you have a question, please email Chrissy at chrissy.widmayer@wisconsinhumanities.org.